Many repeat the phrase "Never Again!" when referring to the Holocaust. However, it's become a meaningless mantra. Why? Because Jewish and Israeli leaders refuse to take those steps necessary to avert tragedy. Two lessons from Hitler that ought to be burnt into our minds are: 1) take your enemy at his word, and 2) appeasement invites aggression. Israel continues the suicidal "peace" process at their peril. They've given up holy land in exchange for empty promises; land that the Palestinians forfeited any right to with each war they started and Israel finished! So many Israelis have died from terrorist attacks since this lying "peace" was hatched from hell. Peace does not have casualties, despite the claims of deluded politicians. While Clinton (with friends like Bill, who needs enemies?) pushes Israel to the brink, the United States still lists the PLO as a terrorist organization. Some of us will not ignore that the Palestinian Covenant still calls for Israel's destruction. We believe their stated intentions, unlike those fools whose heads are buried in the sand. Yasser Arafat was and is a terrorist. His recent kiss of the criminal Hamas leader further reveals his true colors: blood-red. Arafat still wears his military uniform and is preparing for war. Many Israelis say the only question is when will it break out? At the end of the Oslo Process Arafat will control Judea and Samaria only 7 miles from the sea; his army - 50,000 soldiers - will be armed and ready; he'll have received massive arms via his airport and seaport; he'll have a million refugees pressuring Israel on the "green line"; and he'll declare a Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital. The world's been warned that Arafat and his terrorist thugs cannot be trusted. They've proven that time and again! Yet Europe's prepared to make a pact with the devil to have their way in the Middle East. However, the next war won't just threaten Jewish survival, it'll scorch every nation that's foolishly pressured Israel to pursue peace with liars. David Ben-Ariel c/o The National Messenger PO Box 642 Saline, MI. 48176